Popup Panels
Popup panels joomla module loads modules, custom text, YouTube, Vimeo vidoes or google maps. Add as many items you want and re-order them easily. Is very useful joomla extension to show modules or custom items in pages you want with popups. The module has the option of four popup styles: top, bottom, right, left. You may select in the module settings which one is the best for your website layout.
- Item load - Custom, Module, YouTube Video, Vimeo Video, Google map
- Popup Type - none, auto
- Popup Position - left, right, bottom, top
- Popup animation - fadeIn, slideInTop, slideInBottom, slideInRight, slideInLeft, slideTop, slideBottom, slideLeft, slideRight
- Popup Width
- Popup Height
- Animation time
- Popup Background Color
- Popup text Color
- Popup Padding
- Overlay Visible - Yes, No
- Overlay Background Color
- Page animate - Yes, No
- Background Effect - blur, scale, moveUp, moveDown, moveLeft, moveRight
- Button - Icons or text
- Buttons position - Absolute, fixed, relative
- Buttons display - Vertical, horizontal
- Horizontal position - Right or Left
- Distance
- Vertical position - Top, bottom
- Distance
- Buttons Radius
- Buttons Text Color
- Buttons Background
- Font awesome - Yes, No
- Load jquey script - Yes, No